Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here's just a Story I Heard...

A 12 year old boy was playing with his airsoft plastic "pellet-gun"{ shooting plastic pellets at trees and street signs when one bounced off a sign and hit a passing car. The woman driver called the police but since there was no damage she did not want to be a victim. San Bruno Police still arrested the innocent boy for shooting the projectile.

Now it seams like sometimes Police do unnecessary things, the disablement and confiscation of guns is a perfect example, anyone can see it a toy just by removing the magazine or looking at the unusually small barrel! Other times they do what is right.
Like this, completely reasonable take the guns away!

Here's a Comment on the story...
I would wonder about his parents. My kids played with toy guns too and they never shot anyone. The projectiles they used though didn't go very far and they CERTAINLY didn't " bounce off trees and hit street signs." they were not allowed to just shoot at anything; plastic or no.( by the way, by 12--they'd stopped "playing" with toy guns and went on to more grown up activities.) If the pellets are powerful enough to do bounce off things and keep going, they are powerful enough to do a little damage, like put a persons eye out. This is not to mention that a driver if they hear something hit their windshield, won't know immediately that they are being fired upon by a "kid" with a toy.
Here's a comment on this story;
The fact is that this "kid", SHOULD have known better. He certainly is old enough. 12 is just 1 year before becoming a teen! It's not like he was 6.

I don't think the idea was petty. The cops probably wanted to teach the kid a valuable lesson.

My Thoughts
Even though bringing several VALID points up, this mom believes the Police wanted to teach the child a lesson! Is that there jobs! You can answer yourselves.
And Mom, if I was going to arrest your child just to teach him a "lesson" something parents or legal guardians should do BTW, would you be angry? So don't just brush it off... Because now it's not just about airsoft, it's about the end or parental responsibility!

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